Your friendly neighbourhood Nerd Nite KW crew!
Charlotte Armstrong THE BOSS
Charlotte founded Nerd Nite KW in 2012 and the monthly community live-show is still going strong. Along with her extraordinary team of nerds, she helps coordinate the awesome speakers and activities for the community to get their nerd on. Nerd Nite KW has had +55 shows and partnered with an additional 50 community events supporting STEM, geek, nerd, gaming and any event focused on building community through shared learning.
Outside of her volunteer work with Nerd Nite and community building events, Charlotte works at the University of Waterloo’s Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology. She is also a nascent science journalist, space nerd, whale nerd (don’t ask her about whale reproductive organs unless you have 2 hours to spare), advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion, and 90’s trivia aficionado. She spends her spare time watching documentaries and science fiction movies with her nerd husband and playing RPGs and board games…badly. You can follow Charlotte: @scicharlotte
Eric became part of Nerd Nite KW in September 2012 and already has his metaphorical fingers in many community pies after relocating here from Toronto. Eric is the co-host as well as the Trivia overlord and meme wrangler for Nerd Nite KW. Eric is our Rock Band Night KW big boss as well as tech. support for all of our events.
By trade a technical editor working in academia, Eric is an enthusiast of all things awesome and you will often see him supporting his fellow Nerd Nite audience members and their amazing projects.
When not conspiring to unleash fun on the population of the region, Eric can usually be found at the nearest geeky event or convention, usually in costume. He considers himself a cosplayer, gamer, Dungeon Master, and beard enthusiast, not necessarily in that order. You can follow him @moon_unit_eric
When Ryan isn’t charming the Nerd Nite KW audience with his mad awesome hosting skills, he can be found destroying things for science. Ryan is also a sculptor, armor smith, art teacher, writer, juggler and nerd. His nerd superpowers include mathamancy and illusions. To him, global domination seems like rather a lot of work and he’d much rather spend the time building things and eating cake. Ryan is also a contributing blogger on the website, a master of Rock Band, and a cosplay celebrity. You can follow him on twitter: @StudentofWhim
Originally drawn to Nerd Nite because of her love of learning new things and delight in hearing about people’s nerd passions, Becky hung around the organizers long enough to be given the job of Official Gate-Keeper. Becky compulsively reads everything she sees, from fine literature to the backs of cereal boxes, and has been known to get sucked into reading excessively lengthy comment sections on the Internet, although she should really know better by now.